Sunday, September 9, 2007

Look Up.... Look Waaaaaaay Up

On my way to work this morning, I was paused at a street light and while waiting looked up at the castle. Yes, I look at a castle every day, to and from work... now how cool is that? To my surprise, suspended in the sky close to the castle was a hot air balloon. WAY COOL I thought and paused to watch it until it disappeared. Hmmm I thought, pays to look up in Ljubljana. Now Ljubljana is a city of cobblestoned streets, so sometimes looking up can be a bit hazardous, so it pays to pause for a moment to look up, rather than blindly step forward, trip over the uneven stonework, making a spectacle of myself, arms flailing to keep my balance, feel foolish, grin at the passers by, and look up again! I counted not one, not two, but 5 pretty balloons in the sky this morning.

I later learned that these balloons offer sightseeing tours when it is sunny out, a tour lasting about 2.5 hours, for 82 Euros. My hosts for lunch today were kind enough to look this up on the Internet for me. Today the resident who is doing some Cytology training with the students, invited me for lunch. I wound up sharing the better part of the afternoon with Biljana, and her charming husband Simon, and delightful daughter Mila. Biljana cooked enough food to feed a small army, and sent me home with enough to last me the entire week! I particularly enjoyed the Macedonian Salsa, and the Strudel, all made by hand this morning by my hostess. Good food, good company, and Turkish coffee to round things out! Nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon in Ljubljana!

A bird's eye view.

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