Saturday, August 4, 2007

These Boots Were Made For.... Sweden?

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, those are my boots, my wool socks, and my gloves, which were packed into that box and mailed to Sweden this morning. "Why?" you might ask, am I sending my winter gear to Sweden? Surely the Swedes have perfectly good boots, socks and gloves of their own, and do not need my obviously well worn ones!!

So lets get this straight, currently in Canada, it is summer. Gwen is headed for a southern European country in a few weeks, and is it possible, that in a moment of insanity, she has mailed off her winter gear to a northern European country?
Hmmmmmmm! Well that is all I'm going to post about it now, but if you check back periodically, I promise, all WILL be revealed!

In keeping with being a travelling cell geek, this photo was taken through my microscope. These are NORMAL atrophic squamous cells, that happened to group together to look this way.

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